
mybmr avatar image
mybmr asked camilasophia answered

How to apply Tax to Order?

Hello Folks,

We want to apply TaxRate to the whole Order. As far as we go through the documentation and other questions in the community, we found a way to add TaxRate to LineItem. We have tried to add TaxRate using the below approaches but somehow it's not applying taxes to the line-item or Order.

Approach 1

                List<TaxRate> taxRates=new ArrayList<>();

                TaxRate taxRate=new TaxRate();
                taxRate.setName("Test Tax");


Approach 2

List<String> taxRateIds=new ArrayList<>();

inventoryConnector.assignTaxRatesToItem(item.getItem().getId(), taxRateIds);

None of the above is working and Tax is not applied to LineItem. Tax is showing "0.00" and whatever TaxRate Name we have entered in above code is also not displaying there.

Any suggestion will be very helpful in this.



OrdersClover Android SDKclover developer communityTaxes
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bryanvargas avatar image bryanvargas ♦♦ commented ·
is the tax rate already applied to the item in the Clover inventory?
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mybmr avatar image mybmr bryanvargas ♦♦ commented ·

@bryanvargas Is there any suggestions from your end regarding this query?

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mybmr avatar image
mybmr answered

As per your question, we want to clarify the one thing that we wanted to apply "Additional tax" or let's say Custom Tax from our application to the whole order. But as we didn't get many solutions to apply tax on orders, we tried the above approaches which are not working.

Is there anything like this that if an item has already applied tax then we can't apply our tax to that item or it's not getting overridden by our tax to the already applied tax of that item?

Mainly we need to apply our tax to the whole Order. Is there any option for that using Clover SDK or REST API?

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bryanvargas avatar image
bryanvargas answered

The tax has to exist in the merchant's inventory, here is a guide on working with custom orders and the merchants exisiting tax:

Also this may help:

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camilasophia avatar image
camilasophia answered

To apply tax to the entire order, you typically need to set the tax rate at the order level, not just at the line item level. Depending on your system or platform, you might need to check the documentation for specific instructions on how to set tax rates for orders. Ensure that you're applying the tax rate correctly at the order level rather than just at the individual line item level.

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