question avatar image asked usamam85 answered

Integrations of non-Clover point-of-sale are not available on Clover's public app market.

Hi, our company is developing a semi-integration between our iOS-based POS software with Clover mini device. We are using Remote Pay Cloud and Cloud Pay Display App on Clover Mini.
We are following this codelab:
After testing our remote app (equivalent to app CodeLab: Remote Pay Cloud) on Sandbox. We submitted our remote app to the Clover App Market.
However, we got this notice "Integrations of non-Clover point-of-sale are not available on Clover's public app market.". It's so confusing for us.
So, how a semi-integration run without a remote app?


App Marketsemi-integrationsapp approvalsCloud Pay DisplayRemote Pay Cloud
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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered mhernaez published

I agree, this seems a bit confusing. However, I see that you also sent this question to I will wait for them to reply with an answer and then update this post for future devs that are wondering the same thing.

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mhernaez avatar image mhernaez commented ·

Hi David,

I've also come across the same statement.

I need to update the 'Clover devices' section for our existing, currently available on the app market, app to support Station Solo & Duo.

We use Payment Connector and REST API in our POS app. Based on the following default settings, our app would no longer be available on the Clover App Market?

Can you kindly provide some clarification on this statement? We would not want our app to be removed from the app market.




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usamam85 avatar image
usamam85 answered usamam85 published

Hi, what answer did you get from clover about this ?

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