
ddux avatar image
ddux asked Miguel Deactivated edited

Is there a way to retrieve a single item category per order line with REST V3 api?


I am new to the clover app development and I really hope someone can help me out with a simple question:

Is it possible to get unique category per lineitem in orders with REST V3 api?

I figured I can get item id from lineitem from orders api end point and I can get items categories from items api endpoint, but the question is can I get category from which the item was sold.

Than you, Ddux

OrdersREST APIInventory
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stevenblakemore avatar image
stevenblakemore answered

Hi Ddux, try adding "&expand=lineItems.item.categories" to your api call.

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amar avatar image
amar answered Miguel Deactivated commented
How to get it from clover local DB?
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