
mark5743 avatar image
mark5743 asked pattyblack answered

iframe change language

Hello, I'm trying to figure out how to change language on the iframe?

actually more specifically input placeholders

could someone guide me

thanks in advance

e-commerce api
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mark5743 avatar image
mark5743 answered mark5743 edited

mmhm for some reason there wasn't any information in the documentation about this.. after posting.. some how now I found the solution in the documentation.. weird but whatever..

for anyone looking for the answer

const clover = new Clover('******', { locale: 'fr-CA' }); const elements = clover.elements();

available options "en","en-CA","fr-CA"

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1zero1 avatar image
1zero1 answered

@mark5743, does the receipt sent via email reflect the language set?

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bryanvargas avatar image
bryanvargas answered

it is also based on merchant locale settings, US merchants will send emails in English and Canadian will be bilingual ( English or French)

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pattyblack avatar image
pattyblack answered

Working on technology often involves complex research and clear communication. The writing center can help with research by guiding you in organizing ideas, structuring arguments, and presenting technical information effectively. Whether you're drafting reports, proposals, or academic papers, their support ensures your writing is professional, precise, and impactful, bridging the gap between technical knowledge and effective expression.

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