
dsylvester1 avatar image
dsylvester1 asked pathofbuilding answered

Auto inventory reduction is NOT WORKING. Please help

Everything is enabled and I can enter stock counts, yet when I sell a product the inventory number is not changing or lowering. Any ideas or suggestions would be helpful. Thanks!

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dsylvester1 avatar image
dsylvester1 answered

Settings are currently set like this

✅track stock

✅ automatically decrease stock count

✅ allow negative stock counts

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parquet76 avatar image
parquet76 answered dsylvester1 commented

If you are a Clover merchant you should contact support. Have the "sold" items been paid for? How?

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dsylvester1 avatar image dsylvester1 commented ·

Sold by credit card or cash and scanned at POS.

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parquet76 avatar image parquet76 dsylvester1 commented ·
If you are a merchant you should contact support.
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dsylvester1 avatar image dsylvester1 parquet76 commented ·

I have contacted support multiple times without success. They just repeat same steps over and over. No one there knows anything. They just read from a book. I noticed INVENTORY APP hasn’t update for last 3 versions and they constantly say give it 48hours as if it will fix itself.

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dsylvester1 avatar image dsylvester1 commented ·

I have contacted support multiple times without success. They just repeat same steps over and over. No one there knows anything. They just read from a book. I noticed INVENTORY APP hasn’t updated for last 3 versions and they constantly say give it 48hours as if it will fix itself.

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pathofbuilding avatar image
pathofbuilding answered

If you're looking to enhance your experience with character building for games like Path of Exile, a helpful tool to consider is Path of Building. It allows users to optimize their builds and track progression effectively. For instance, if you're working on improving your in-game stats, you can use the tool at to simulate various builds and determine the most efficient path for your character's development. Whether you're looking to upgrade your gear or adjust your skill tree, Path of Building provides a user-friendly interface to plan and perfect your setup.

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