We just began using Clover virtual terminal, but are using Payeezy API for ecommerce payments. We are receiving failure reports for payments that are actually successful. Here is the string for a recent failure. How can we fix this?
"correlation_id": "133.9160307400697",
"transaction_status": "Not Processed",
"validation_status": null,
"transaction_type": null,
"transaction_id": null,
"transaction_tag": null,
"method": null,
"amount": null,
"currency": null,
"cvv2": null,
"bank_resp_code": null,
"bank_message": null,
"gateway_resp_code": null,
"gateway_message": null,
"token": null,
"Error": {
"messages": [{
"code": "504",
"description": "Gateway Timeout"