
jonathan avatar image
jonathan asked jonathan answered

Will Delivery Drivers use Clover Devices or just their own phones

I am trying to determine how I would send a notification to a delivery driver. I am guessing that there is a mix. Some merchant delivery drivers will use Clover devices. Others will just use regular phones. If there is a mix then if I want to send a notification to a delivery driver, I will need to use a combination of app notifications as defined in the V3 api and Google Services GCM.

Are there any Clover applications that require the use of Google Services (or are Google Service prevented from being used on Clover devices)?

Is there a test to determine if Clover services are present on the device?

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1 Answer

jonathan avatar image
jonathan answered

After thinking about this, I think the best way is to build two packages of the same app: one that relies on notification from clover, the other with notification from google services. It will be obvious to the merchant which one they need to use based upon whether the device is a clover device or just a mobile phone.

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