
gonogo-dev avatar image
gonogo-dev asked ricardo answered

CVV Could Not Be Verified

When trying to pay with an incorrect CVV on the e-commerce API, we get the following error: "CVV does not match". But when using the correct CVV we get the following error "CVV could not be verified".

It appears to only affect certain card types / issuers as it is not happening to everyone (maybe ~10% of orders are actually affected).

After researching this considerably for our customers, it seems an AVS settings for CVV is the culprit, particularly the checkbox that says: "CVV cannot be verified". When this is turned off, valid cards start working again and we get way less false positives.

Seems there is something wrong on the backend when trying to "verify" certain cards with the issuing bank. Any thoughts?

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1 Answer

ricardo avatar image
ricardo answered

Hello, thank you for reporting this issue.

There was a hotfix deployed that should have resolved this, can you please let us know if you are still seeing these issues?

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