
erikolson avatar image
erikolson asked erikolson commented

Delete item from inventory

My client (an overstock chain) expects to have an average of 10-20K items in inventory with a high amount of product turnover so my inventory will be constantly changing. If items are not truly deleted from my inventory table then I will rapidly build up hundreds of thousands of deleted items.

How do I permanently delete an item from inventory? Since you can filter by deleted=true you are clearly not really deleting.

What is the best way to optimize a large, constantly changing inventory?

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1 Answer

Jacob Abrams avatar image
Jacob Abrams answered erikolson commented

We do not provide a mechanism to permanently delete items. We will just have to assume our operations team has a solid infrastructure capable of handling it :)

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erikolson avatar image erikolson commented ·

I am not currently inclined to assume that. The performance this infrastructure is Abysmal. I've been deleting inventory for the past hour in an attempt to make the Clover performance issues survivable. Clover is clearly not designed to run anything larger than a small pizza shop.

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