
nirav avatar image
nirav asked David Marginian Deactivated answered

Auto Sync Inventory using REST API

I am trying to build a Inventory Tracker Web App using REST API for a merchant who has 3 stores. I want to send him an email when the stock of item goes below a threshold value that he has defined in my App for that I am planning to sync inventory with my web app 3 times a day.

I want this operation to be automatic. But because of OAUTH 2.0, everytime I want to sync, the merchant will have to go to each store and click on my app and than only inventory API can be called by my app and sync can be completed.

Is it possible to fetch the inventory automatic at regular intervals without the merchant needing to click the app manually?

I will really appreciate the help.

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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered

You can securely store the token, alternatively you can utilize web hooks instead of polling three times a day.

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