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cloverdev asked greyskymedia answered

Delete Custom Tender

I am not able to delete my tender from UI..i want to reinitialize another tender but app is showing "Custom Tender is setup for your merchant account". how can i remove completely tender.

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l-thomasson avatar image
l-thomasson answered

Hello, if you go to your online merchant dashboard then navigate as follows:

1) On the far left, scroll down to "Account and Setup"

2) Under "Transactions" click "Payments"1652454352877.png

3) From here you should be able to add or remove custom tenders

1652454352877.png (117.1 KiB)
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greyskymedia avatar image
greyskymedia answered

There's a chance you did what we did and accidentally created a non-editable custom tender. I'll update my thread ( with the solution

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