
marklukridge avatar image
marklukridge asked henrimachle34 answered

Cloud Pay Display + SHOGO

Hi team - I am currently working with a potential customer who wants to utilize the Clover Mini as a pin pad and prompt payments from their computer. They want to also utilize the SHOGO app on here so that it can integrate with their Sage ERP. With the Cloud Pay Display app will they be able to accomplish this with SHOGO? Would the Clover Virtual Terminal act as the POS that is prompting payment?

Cloud Pay Display
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Jason Wheeler avatar image
Jason Wheeler answered

GoPOS does it, Booker/mind body did. Not sure if they still do or not.

There is a 3rd party app that is made by Zoomifi called Remote Pay. That one links through a web browser on your computer or other tablet and allows you to send a payment request to the connected device. Would that help you?

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marklukridge avatar image
marklukridge answered

Jason - yes we showed the merchant RemotePay. However they are an auto dealer and need a much more robust, full-featured auto software that connects with Clover.

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Jason Wheeler avatar image
Jason Wheeler answered

Understandable. Are you able to set up Bolt? That can hook up with a lot of POS systems as well, Quickbooks POS, DaySmart and more. It also allows you to set up an integration for payments to most POS systems.

A lot of times you can just make the built in CRM hold the information you need, there are other apps that work with rental items as well that you can tie an item to a customer and set up recurring payments or billing systems. Everyware does a good job with billing/text to pay and other great features. They also have an app on Clover.

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henrimachle34 avatar image
henrimachle34 answered

Great question! The Clover Mini with Cloud Pay Display should work for prompting payments, but check with SHOGO support for Sage ERP integration. The Clover Virtual Terminal can act as a POS, but confirming compatibility is key.

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