
kacyjames avatar image
kacyjames asked racheladmin Deactivated answered

Retrieving an Auth Token for Remote Pay Cloud

I'm currently using the remote pay cloud library for JavaScript and am getting a 401 when I attempt to connect to the clover hardware specified in my CloverConnectorFactory. I'm currently using my app secret key where the oauthToken would go below. Is that correct? If not, how would I go about obtaining an oauth key in the sandbox environment. It wasn't immediately clear after reading through Does the user of the system have to authenticate through a login page each time, or is this something that can be done silently when the application starts (after the user logs in with our company's own auth?)

const connector = new clover.CloverConnectorFactory().createICloverConnector({      'oauthToken': '<redacted>', // <-- Is this the app secret, or a key retrieved from auth?       
    'merchantId': '<redacted>',      
    'clientId'  : '<redacted>',      
    'remoteApplicationId': '<redacted>',      
    'deviceSerialId': '<redacted>',      
    'domain': ''    
Cloud Pay DisplayRemote Pay Cloud
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kacyjames avatar image kacyjames commented ·
Yes, I'm using remote-pay-cloud 1.2.0
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