
marklukridge avatar image
marklukridge asked henrimachle34 answered

Cloud Pay Display + SHOGO

Hi team - I am currently working with a potential customer who wants to utilize the Clover Mini as a pin pad and prompt payments from their computer. They want to also utilize the SHOGO app on here so that it can integrate with their Sage ERP. With the Cloud Pay Display app will they be able to accomplish this with SHOGO? Would the Clover Virtual Terminal act as the POS that is prompting payment?

Cloud Pay Display
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Jason Wheeler avatar image
Jason Wheeler answered

you can use the above app to send payments to a mini from a computer. Its pretty basic and easy to set up. They wouldnt use the virtual terminal, just a web browser. If they had another POS they were loading onto the PC, then they may need a different solution for integration. Some of those options are Cloud Pay Display, Network Pay Display, Rest, or Bolt (card connect).

it seems like SHOGO is just a syncing app to send data from the Clover account to the Sage account. So the 2 shouldnt affect each other either way. All of the transactional data will be on Clover, so it should connect just fine.

The only reason it may not, is if you are logging any transactions outside of the Clover. For example, if you had a separate POS that was connecting via cloud/network and you logged a cash transaction, Clover wouldnt see that since its not sent to the mini for processing.

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marklukridge avatar image
marklukridge answered

Jason - does Cloud Pay Display on Clover work with the Fivestars POS system?

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Jason Wheeler avatar image
Jason Wheeler answered

i dont know. i dont have any experience with Fivestars. You would probably want to reach out to them directly to find out. They would probably have to have to some sort of connection with whatever POS system you are using the Cloud Pay Display with

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marklukridge avatar image
marklukridge answered

Ok thanks. And just double checking - the transactions/data from Remote Pay will show up in their Clover dashboard - correct?

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Jason Wheeler avatar image
Jason Wheeler answered

it should. unless you are using a software that removes CLOVER all together, like BOLT. but if you are just using the Cloud pay display app, then it should look normal when you look at reporting.

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marklukridge avatar image
marklukridge answered

Do you recommend RemotePay over Cloud Pay Display? I thought they work together. Remote Pay requires you to have Cloud Pay downloaded though, it says.

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Jason Wheeler avatar image
Jason Wheeler answered

I would think that REMOTE would be connecting with a Clover off site possibly. I am not sure about that one though. I havent looked into it. Ive been hoping they would use one of those to work with the Clover station itself, but so far that hasnt happened.

If you can do what you need to with only using the 1 app, then I would just run with that.

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marklukridge avatar image
marklukridge answered

OK - Jason, do you know if this is compatible with a fixed merchant surcharging program? Where they can pass on fixed fees?

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Jason Wheeler avatar image
Jason Wheeler answered

I dont know for sure, but the device would be taking the instruction from the connected POS, so if it has the ability to apply a noncash adjustment option, then I would think it should translate to the Clover device just fine.

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marklukridge avatar image
marklukridge answered

Hi Jason - for the Cloud Pay Display app on Clover - what are the most commonly used POS systems used in conjunction with Clover? Cloud Pay Display says that it works with a merchant's existing POS - are you aware of more commonly used ones?

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