
gmzilla avatar image
gmzilla asked natalieclover commented

Is it possible to connect clover payment gateway with WordPress / woo commerce?

Hi everyone, I contacted the clover support about this and they have no idea about this and told me to create a developer account here for help.

Kindly can someone guide me:

  1. If its possible to receive payments on my WordPress website using Clover?
  2. If yes, then is it compatible with Woo commerce?
  3. and how can I connect it.

and if there is no plugin available. Then can someone please explain How can I open a Clover Account and integrate with zaytech's Plugin.

Please Do guide me about this. Thanks

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jitesh-tandel avatar image
jitesh-tandel answered


  1. Yes. You can receive an order payment using Clover Payment Gateway. I already did it with WordPress using the plugin. I built a whole online restaurant ordering system.

  2. Yes. It is compatible with the WooCommerce. You will have to write your custom code to do so. You must have to check Woocommerce hooks and filters before you implement Clover Payment Gateway. First, you can build a test sample project for the payment then you can integrate it with Woocommerce or WordPress.

  3. Currently, there are following two methods to integrate the Clover payment gateway.
    1. Iframe solution
    2. Rest API

      Personally, I implemented the Iframe solution which is fast and easy. If you need more control with the payment then you can use the REST API method.

      Check the below link for implementation. The link will give you the detailed information.

Hope it helps you.

Thank you.

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered

Clover is working on a WooCommerce plugin. It has been submitted to WordPress for review and once approved it will be available for us.

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jitesh-tandel avatar image
jitesh-tandel answered

Thanks @David Marginian for the update.

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gmzilla avatar image
gmzilla answered

Thanks @jitesh_tandel @David Marginian for this information.

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jimkill avatar image
jimkill answered natalieclover commented

I'd love to use this plugin, any idea on when it's going to be done?

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