
paulryan avatar image
paulryan asked paulryan commented

Semi-integration external Payment ID

Hi David

I'm currently working on building a Retrieve payment button, on my POS through .net SDK 4.0.5 as recovery if a response is not received due to network issues or a USB cable is removed from my epos. I have this working as it should when I input an external payment ID of Sale request.

But when inputting a refund External payment ID with my retrieve payment button, I get no response.

I've check this on clover SDK demo POS using the retrieve payment button, and it doesn't work either.

This is a really great feature within clover SDK as once i save my external payment ID on all transaction, I can recovered from any issue due a transaction.

Is their a reason for this not working or am doing some thing wrong ?

secure network pay displayUSB Pay Display
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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered paulryan commented

Hi Paul,

I would be surprised if this isn't working, what response are you expecting? I assume you are connected to the device when you try this? Unfortunately, I don't have a Windows set-up to test so I would have to get someone else involved if you continue to have issues (may be best to just email devrel).

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paulryan avatar image paulryan commented ·

Hi David,

Yes device is connected, I've also try it on a live device as well, the response receive is blank, clover demo Pos gives the below response


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paulryan avatar image paulryan paulryan commented ·

When I check the external payment ID on a sale request. I received the below response with clover demo SDK


Which is exactly what I want.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ paulryan commented ·
Can you explain the exact steps you are taking?
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