
Christopher Hayes avatar image
Christopher Hayes asked iambuzdar45 answered

Clover Flex: Mastercard Animation keeps spinning

We have a report from our merchant that when processing a mastercard transaction - there is a mastercard animation followed by a check box for completion. This animation doesn't exist with other card brands. On ocassion, the animation and check box will just remain on the screen and keep recycling and the transaction never gets completed.

Clover Flex
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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered

This merchant should contact Clover support.

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iambuzdar45 avatar image
iambuzdar45 answered

It sounds like the Clover Flex is stuck in a loop when processing Mastercard transactions. Just like how Crunchyroll Mod APK removes ads for a seamless anime experience, you’d want a fix to keep transactions running smoothly without interruptions. You might need a software update or a system reset to resolve the issue.

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