
wpandp504 avatar image
wpandp504 asked asad0000 Suspended answered

Two Factor Identification

I have two separate users that login under our clover account, myself and my business partner. We each have duties that require logging in at different times, when the other is not present.

Every few days Clover is forcing me to turn on the Two Factor Identification. It won't allow me to back out or get into the system without turning it on by putting in a cell phone number.

This is obviously not acceptable because when I am not present, he cannot login without texting me and asking for the code.

I know how to remove it. But I don't want to have to anymore.

I don't know what to do next and the clover support guy literally told me I just have to continue turning it off every time.

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered

This forum supports third-party developers that build apps on the Clover platform. I can try to help but Clover support is the correct channel.

Sorry I don't quite understand the use case. You are both using the same account to log in? Why wouldn't you make him an employee so that he could have his own login?

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wildretail avatar image
wildretail answered

I agree that being unable to decline 2-factor is a fault in the system. It requires you to "accept" the terms of agreement but it is impossible to not turn on the authentication. Accept or stop using clover web login? That is clearly inappropriate.

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asad0000 avatar image
asad0000 Suspended answered

This is a very appropriate to avoid unnecessary confusion in the partnership between us and the business partner. I also applied in my site.

relocation advisory services

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asad0000 avatar image
asad0000 Suspended answered

This(watch series stream) is a very nice step in the two factor identification.

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