
Ajmal M A avatar image
Ajmal M A asked Jeffrey Blattman answered

Is possible to take print of Partial Order?

I want to take the print by removing some of the Lineitems in Order. Currently I use following code to take print order.

PrintJob pj = new StaticOrderPrintJob.Builder().markPrinted(true).order(order).build();
pj.print(context, CloverAccount.getAccount(context));

It print full list of order items. Can i able to print partial order ( 4 of 5 items ) ?

Please help me with some code samples.

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1 Answer

Jeffrey Blattman avatar image
Jeffrey Blattman answered

You are passing in the Order object to print, so you can make any modifications you want to it prior to printing such as removing line items.

"Mark printed" controls whether the line items will me marked as printed, not whether or not they will be printed. Marking printed has particular semantics to the larger system such as not being able to be removed from an order without manager override.

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