
onusms avatar image
onusms asked David Marginian answered

Re-provision Clover Production Demo Devices

I have a few Clover Production Demo devices. All are having their separate MIDs (Production Demo devices with the name "Demo - Not for actual use").

Is there any way I can re-provision them with each other? Usually, in Sandbox Dev Kit devices, there is an option to reassociate a device but in Production, I can't find that option anywhere.

Example - I have a Clover Mini Production Demo device with MID XXXXXXXXX and have another Clover Flex Production Demo Device with MID YYYYYYYYY.

So is it possible to re-provision both of them with MId XXXXXXXXXX or YYYYYYYYY?

Can you please advise?

Thank you.

Clover MiniClover Flexstation pro
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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered

Developer relations may be able to help you, I am not sure, email them at

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