
clintjreed avatar image
clintjreed asked David Marginian commented

API Create Order and Pay on Terminal

I know this sounds like a funky scenario, but I want to create a web front end using Woocommerce. I’m using woocommerce because I feel that it has a lot more flexibility for inventory. I want the user to faux place the order in Woocommerce, and upon submission send some request over to Clover via API and then see that transaction and complete the payment on the manual flex terminal. Maybe the order API? Is there an invoice API maybe? I’m just trying to get feedback.

Is this possible?

REST APIClover Flexe-commerce api
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1 Answer

Richelle Herrli avatar image
Richelle Herrli answered David Marginian commented

Do you intend for the customer to be using the Woocommerce storefront in the brick-and-mortar location? If so, you could probably pull this off using one of our semi-integration APIs or SDKs.

I don't know the Woocommerce APIs or architecture too well, so you'd need to do a lot of investigative work to see how they could be linked.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·
As Richelle mentioned, our semi integration APIs do allow you to initiate payments on a Clover device remotely. However, our SDKs were designed for 3rd party POS systems and therefore do not work with existing Clover orders. And honestly, there isn't much of a use case if you are working with Clover orders as the merchant could just open up the register/orders app and initiate payment.
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