
vadique avatar image
vadique asked vadique answered

Unauthorized on Inventory after write permission update

We recently added Inventory Write permissions to the app (approved about two weeks ago).

However ANY write request to Inventory results in 401. This affects new clients (installed the app AFTER permission approval) and existing clients (reinstalled the app). We verified that new tokens are being obtained, and even instructed some clients to wait 24 hours to re-install. Verified on re-install on both native and OAUTH.

App ID : 3CQA074T95S6R

Happy to provide active tokens to resolve.

Thank you

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian edited

When you request permission changes we approve them and then you need to publish them for them to take affect. It looks like you failed to do that (I see one change pending publish for your app). Please login to your developer dashboard and publish the changes. Unfortunately, your merchants will have to re-install the app again and you will have to obtain a new token.

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vadique avatar image
vadique answered

Ah. Well that was easy. I assumed approved changes were auto-applied. Thank you for quick response.

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