Hi, I am trying to get the details of a merchant from the to get the merchant API, and when I am trying with the public token it will respond to me with a 401 Unauthorized token. Can you please let me know where I went wrong
Thanks in Advance. :)
Hi, I am trying to get the details of a merchant from the to get the merchant API, and when I am trying with the public token it will respond to me with a 401 Unauthorized token. Can you please let me know where I went wrong
Thanks in Advance. :)
The public token is your PAKMS key used for tokenizing card data. You need to use the private token for API calls.
Thanks, I have also tried with the private key but it is giving me same error of "You couldn't be authenticated"
I am trying to call this API "https://docs.clover.com/reference#merchants-1"
with my merchant id and access tokens
From where? Merchant tokens do not support CORs, so if you are trying to do this from a web browser the call will fail. If you want to use merchant tokens you will need to proxy all Clover API requests through your server. Otherwise, you will need a Clover app and you will need to use OAuth tokens which do support CORs.
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