
joe avatar image
joe asked landmark answered

How create new inventory items by pulling details from external DB when scanning UPC

I'm selling books. I want to scan the UPC or ISBN on new titles and have all of their associated data automatically brought in from an external data source. Doable? Can I intercept the scanned value and populate that screen with what I want?

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian commented

Are you a developer building an app or a merchant trying to determine if this can be done out of the box?

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joe avatar image joe commented ·

I'm a developer being asked by a merchant. I also have the book data he wants. He was disappointed with the data proved by Clover out of the box, when he was told that data WOULD populate

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ joe commented ·

That is frustrating. So to get things straight, he was told that he could scan an item and data from an external data source would automatically be populated? There must have been a misunderstanding, because that doesn't seem possible out of the box. To be clear the merchant is using a scanner hooked up to the Clover device (or in the case of a Flex built in) to get inventory into the system, or are they scanning via an external system which has an API integration with Clover?

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joe avatar image joe David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

They WERE scanning with an approved device. He dropped Clover when he realized that all other book information was NOT going to autopopulate. Either he misunderstood or he was told wrong. So he's asking me if what he wants is possible when I have the book data he would like autopopulated when he does the scan. Doable?

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landmark avatar image
landmark answered

Hello - two questions along these lines:

  1. If I upload our existing inventory into our Clover account, if we then scan in an ISBN number of a book already in our list, would it recognize the information we already have stored for that book?
  2. Is it possible to add custom product fields within Clover? For example, in addition to the title of the product (in our case, the book title), we’d want to add author, genre, description, book cover image, and other details. Is it possible to add in other custom field types like this?


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