
tmurphy0323 avatar image
tmurphy0323 asked David Marginian commented

Inventory count by date

How can I pull inventory by specific date? We are taking a new direction in our company and our CPA would like us to clean up inventory cost values and any other data not accurate during 2020. We need to pull an inventory report by month with item name, quantity, sale price, and cost.

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian commented

We have a REST API - It sounds like you would be interested in You can use a merchant API token to access it. Please see all the subsections here for information on using the API -

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tmurphy0323 avatar image tmurphy0323 commented ·

I would love to be able to do this but I am not a programmer. Is there any other way to make this happen? I can read code and tell people what I need but writing and making it happen by myself is a challenge.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ tmurphy0323 commented ·

What does pulling inventory report by last month mean? What date is used to constrain the inventory. The Clover dashboard has an item sales report, and there is also a export capability (in the Inventory section). I believe that is all that is available to merchants. You can try contacting Clover support, they may be able to help. This forum is monitored by developers and designed to assist third party developers building applications on our platform.

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