
cherrycoke avatar image
cherrycoke asked David Marginian commented

Help connecting my web app to a restaurant's POS

I have 3 restaurant clients who use Clover POS and I want to have access to their daily sales, online ordering orders, and maybe a few other fields. I'd like to create automated sales reports for them every few weeks. I have already built a web app that will display these reports, so that works fine. I just need a restaurant to be able to "hook up" there POS to my app and then let me access their numbers so I can do the reporting on my end. I just need access to maybe 6 fields in their POS (sales, number of orders, number of employees, avg ticket size, etc).

I already sent a few messages to Clover's preferred agencies but haven't heard anything back. What's another alternative?

REST APIclover developer community
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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total. avatar image commented ·

Rest API can satisfy your purpose.
Let me know if you need any help.

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cherrycoke avatar image cherrycoke commented ·

I would love some help. Are you from an agency? I have a very simple UI in mind, this app literally just needs to have the restaurant give me access to their reports. That's the only function.

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian commented

Generally, if you are going to be supporting more than a single Clover merchant we would require you to create an app and go through the app approval process (, 6-8 weeks, can be longer). Once your app has been approved merchants would install it from the Clover App Market and you would obtain an access token ( on their behalf that would give you access to their data through our API.

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cherrycoke avatar image cherrycoke commented ·

Thanks David for the prompt response! Since 6-8 weeks is a long time to get the proper feedback that I need from a restaurant about my web app, could I do this with a single Clover merchant instead? Would that allow me to skip the App approval process and just focus on one restaurant? What does that look like building just for 1 merchant?

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ cherrycoke commented ·

It sounds like you should have an app in our app market and you are trying to short-circuit our process. This is not something I can recommend. You need to go through the process just like all other developers, there is a reason it exists. I suggest you contact for more information.

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cherrycoke avatar image cherrycoke David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Hi David, i definitely want to abide by the guidelines. Not trying to short-circuit the process, sorry if that's what it sounded like! Just wanted to know if there was a way to test with just 1 restaurant, and then build the official App once I'm ready to add more than 1 restaurant. If that's not an option, then I will try to start the App approval process.

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cherrycoke avatar image
cherrycoke answered

Thanks David for the prompt response! Since 6-8 weeks is a long time to get the proper feedback that I need from a restaurant about my web app, could I do this with a single Clover merchant instead? Would that allow me to skip the App approval process and just focus on one restaurant? What does that look like building just for 1 merchant?

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