
quinnsunday avatar image
quinnsunday asked Emmanuel MacCaull commented

Clover Dining Changing the Title Format on Orders

Currently in production when you make an order using Clover Dining the format of the order's title is "[RoomName] [TableNumber]". However, on sandbox it looks like it recently changed to "[TableNumber] - [RoomName]".This is when calling the orders API.

Does anyone know when this change will be pushed to production? Do we know of any settings around this? It would be great if we could keep it as is.

Example of the new format:

"title" : "202 - Main Dining Room" ,


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Emmanuel MacCaull avatar image
Emmanuel MacCaull answered Emmanuel MacCaull commented

Hi @quinnsunday, this was a recent UI improvement to make the table name more visible as it's more relevant than the room name. There is no setting to change this back to the previous format. I'm working on an ETA for availability in production. It's still TBD.

Note that there is a setting to disable the room name altogether. Clover Dining -> Settings -> "Print Section Names on Order Receipts". Hopefully that helps?

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quinnsunday avatar image quinnsunday commented ·

Hi @Emmanuel MacCaull Thanks for the answer!

Do you know if there are any open APIs for Clover Dining? Our app get's orders from tables and to do this in clover we have to match on the titles format. A floor plan api would be awesome

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Emmanuel MacCaull avatar image Emmanuel MacCaull quinnsunday commented ·
We currently don't have any public APIs for integrating with Clover Dining, unfortunately, and there is currently no ETA on this. I wish I had a better answer here.

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quinnsunday avatar image quinnsunday Emmanuel MacCaull commented ·
No worries, is there some sort of mailing list for Clover Dining changes? Our app relies on yours so I would love it if we could become friends :) lol

I could maybe also talk to my company and see if we could maybe lend resources and pair on making that API.

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quinnsunday avatar image
quinnsunday answered Emmanuel MacCaull commented

It looks like it has gone live but only on some restaurants. @Emmanuel MacCaull would you happen to know what the deciding factor is for a restaurant to have the changed format?

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Emmanuel MacCaull avatar image Emmanuel MacCaull commented ·

Hey @ , I expect all restaurants to have the new format over the course of the next week or so, but the timeline is variable.

So it will appear random as to which merchants have this change and which don't.

Is there a way that your app can handle both formats? Like try to parse based on the new format, and if it fails, try parsing the old format?

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