
sunil avatar image
sunil asked David Marginian edited

Determination of Order Payment

I am developing a web app for a specific merchant and using Clover iframe in order to accept online orders. ECOMMERCE SERVICE API's (Pay for an order and Get an order) has been consumed in order to process the payment.

While consuming the Pay for an order (/orders/{orderId}/pay) API,

  1. The API returns a Charge reference (charge). By consuming the Get a charge API, I am receiving "paid" as true. Can I consider paid parameter as Payment done / Failed.
  2. In Charge detail, I can see that "captured" is returned as false. Should we consider this parameter for the Payment status.
  3. Order state is updated as locked and paymentState as OPEN. How do I determine that Payment is done.

Note: Our application is still under Development, Above API uses Sandbox account for the integration.

Orderse-commerce api
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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian edited

1) When using order/pay a status of "paid" indicates a successful payment for the amount indicated in the response.

2) No, but I am going to follow-up on this with the Ecomm team. Order payments go through as a "sale" (final/closed) transaction at the gateway so it seems this should be returning captured: true.


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