
mKonnekt avatar image
mKonnekt asked David Marginian commented

Multiple Stations & Auto Print Orders

We have a client with multiple stations and these stations are connected to kitchen & station printers. In our app we have the ability to auto print orders to selected printers. To avoid multiple print outs, except for one station the client has unchecked the printer selection. Today we had an order which was auto accepted but it did not print on the selected printers. On our logs it does show that we have sent the printjob. Any ideas as to why this would happen?

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered

Can you explain how your app works? Do you send a notification via rest API to tell your app on the device to print? Or is this all native to the device? Are you checking on the status of the print job?

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mKonnekt avatar image
mKonnekt answered

In our app we have the capability to print orders after they have been accepted. we list all printers connected to the device and any orders which are accepted will be printed to these connected printers. We initiate the printjob using native calls to the device.
What is the call to be made to get status of the print job?

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered
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mKonnekt avatar image
mKonnekt answered David Marginian commented

David Thank you for the link - will check and get back in case of any questions. BTW on another note would it be possible for us to beep for an incoming order, in case an order is not printed - would it be possible for us to access or make noise on Clover station?

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

That should be possible. If you are interested in this I would do a broader internet query for playing sounds on Android and then test it on your devkit.

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mKonnekt avatar image
mKonnekt answered David Marginian commented

Can we get status of the print jobs using REST calls?

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

No, that is not possible.

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