What is the actual URL of a Hosted Checkout page?
What is the actual URL of a Hosted Checkout page?
The URL for a hosted checkout page typically depends on the payment processor or service you are using. Each provider has its own domain and structure for hosted checkout URLs.
For example:
Stripe: The URL might look something like https://checkout.stripe.com/pay/{session_id}
PayPal: It could be https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_xclick&business={merchant_email}&item_name={item_name}
To find the actual URL for your specific setup, you would need to refer to the documentation of the payment processor you are using or generate it through their API based on your transaction details. papa's games louie
As mentioned here the URL would be in the href of the response from the create checkout request. https://docs.clover.com/docs/creating-a-hosted-checkout-session
In production, It would be in the format:
https://www.clover.com/checkout/{ {checkout_session_id}}
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The above URL shows appending checkout_session_id to the request, this is not available until the HTTP response is received.
Have you tried https://www.clover.com/invoicingcheckoutservice/v1/checkouts?
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