
Domenic LaVitola avatar image
Domenic LaVitola asked Jacob Abrams commented

Printer Display - Clover Station 2018 Printer

While in our Custom Tender application, we would like to display relevant order information on the Printer Display screen, (aka the External Customer Facing Display.)

Is it possible to launch a Presentation to this secondary display through our custom Clover Tender App? So far we have been trying to start and show a Presentation on this display but have not gotten anywhere.

Clover Station 2018
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10 |2000

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dazza5000 avatar image dazza5000 commented ·

bump / did you find an answer to this?

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Jacob Abrams avatar image
Jacob Abrams answered dazza5000 commented

The Station 2018 printer display is not intended for use by third party developers. On Station 2018 built-in Clover apps show basic order and payment information on the printer display. Station 2018 doesn't support customer-facing tender APIs.

Merchants who desire a more immersive customer experience will tend to have a customer-facing Clover Mini or use Station Pro both which support customer-facing tenders so I would focus development efforts on ensuring the customer facing tender takes advantage of those devices.

10 |2000

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Domenic LaVitola avatar image Domenic LaVitola commented ·

Thanks for the clarification! It would be great if this display continued displaying the current order information (i.e. In the Register App) to the customer when processing the payment with a merchant's Custom Tender Activity.

During this process we apply discounts and changes to an order that would be great to display towards the customer. Thank you for the suggestion to achieve a more immersive setup like that.

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dazza5000 avatar image dazza5000 Domenic LaVitola commented ·

we have a similar usecase

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Domenic LaVitola avatar image
Domenic LaVitola answered Jacob Abrams commented

Thanks for the clarification! It would be great if this display continued displaying the current order information (i.e. In the Register App) to the customer while processing a payment in a merchant's Custom Tender Activity.

During this process we apply discounts and changes to an order that would be great to display towards the customer. Thank you for the suggestion to achieve a more immersive setup like that.

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10 |2000

Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

Jacob Abrams avatar image Jacob Abrams ♦♦ commented ·

I will forward this request to the development team in that area.

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