
raghavslk avatar image
raghavslk asked David Marginian Deactivated edited

Need Suggestion for Mobile payments and Notifications

We have developed an Android and iOS Mobile app for our Restaurant. These apps are not clover

Customers are successfully able to place orders using our mobile apps.

When these orders are placed on mobile app, our lambda functions read order info from our cloud DB, and create clover order on Merchant POS using clover Rest APIs. We are using Merchant token for this integration. Let me know if this integration is allowed?

My next goal is to add payment feature for orders placed on mobile apps using Ecommerce payment API following this guide:

Is this approach possible without having clover app on clover marketplace?

On an other note, we developed NotificationReciever App for Clover device for single Merchant use. This is working as expected on Sandbox when I post notification data using Device endpoint below and using App Access_key on app dashboard:[APP_ID]/devices/[device-id]/notifications

Our app is under review for production approval.

Should this work without issues in production, or any changes need to be considered?

Clover app approvals take significant amount of time, and Merchant business cannot wait too long without printing feature.

I want to make sure my approach is right and want to know if there are any changes required.

Thanks in advance.

Clover Mobile
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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered David Marginian Deactivated edited

The general rule is that if your app was designed for and is being used by a single merchant then using merchant tokens is acceptable. However, that doesn't appear to be the case here. This shouldn't matter much for your situation as you would need to have your app that runs on the Clover device approved anyway (a merchant can't download your app if it isn't in the Clover App Market and apps that aren't approved cannot be published there).

"Should this work without issues in production, or any changes need to be considered?"

Whether your specific app that receives the notification will work I cannot tell you. Many apps in production use the notification endpoint and work just fine. However, the endpoint you included is a sandbox endpoint, and it would need to be adjusted to hit our production environment.

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raghavslk avatar image raghavslk commented ·

David, Thanks for quick response always.

Can you plz ans this question as well:

My next goal is to add payment feature for orders placed on mobile apps using Ecommerce payment API following this guide:

Is this approach possible without having clover app on clover marketplace? Otherwise, what options do I have considering my app design above?

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ raghavslk commented ·

My answer above applies here:

The general rule is that if your app was designed for and is being used by a single merchant then using merchant tokens is acceptable.

This doesn't appear to be the case with your app, so using merchant tokens would not be acceptable. It is possible, but it would be a violation of our terms.

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raghavslk avatar image raghavslk David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

What do you suggest us in this scenario?

We have to enable payments through ios devices for the orders placed via mobile ordering.

Can we just use tokens from our printing app(developed for clover device), or do we need web app added to merchant dashboard also?

Unfortunately, It takes 10-15 days every time to get a reply for emails sent to

Appreciate any help you could provide.

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