
amanrathi avatar image
amanrathi asked David Marginian answered

Getting null ItemStock object


I am using inventory connector to get the inventory item details in my android based clover application. But to get the item quantity I found the itemStock every time null.

I am using following code:

var item = mInventoryConnector.getItemWithCategories(itemId)

var quantitiy = item.itemStock.quantity


java.lang.NullPointerException: itm.itemStock must not be null

I want the amount of item in stock quantity. Please suggest if I am missing anything.

Clover Android SDKsemi-integrationsInventory
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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered

How was this item created? If you use the REST API to retrieve the item and expand itemStock is it also null? Have you tried updating the itemStock for that item?

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