
Alan avatar image
Alan asked David Marginian answered

Creating a hidden order type

Hi Clover, I'm looking for a follow up on an old question about hiding custom order types from the register app.

It looks like the issue still exists? Are there any workarounds since?

I tried the suggested workaround adding a default order type, but my custom order type still appears in the register app, and the workaround is pretty messy as i'm not exactly sure the different edge cases to test for, and i'm also suddenly changing the order type of a merchant's regular orders in their reporting app.

(Do comments on old questions notify people, or is it best to just open a new question each time?)

Thanks, Alan

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Alan avatar image Alan commented ·

I'm doing the same as @BrettD , the isHidden field isn't being considered. @Sam I hate to complain, but in the majority of the devask questions, I believe giving an example of how it should be done should come well before asking developers what we are doing wrong, especially when the api documentation is so vague/poor. The majority of my clover development tasks has been trial and error which my team are finding tiresome. (Please pass this on as general feedback for clover's documentation, the support/dev team seem well meaning otherwise.)

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Brett Dismang avatar image Brett Dismang commented ·

We are experiencing the same issue and have for a good amount of time.

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Brett Dismang avatar image Brett Dismang commented ·

Well, we use the API to create the orderType. The API for this is documented here!/me... The JSON data that we would typically post to this particular API endpoint would look something like the following: { "taxable": true, "filterCategories": false, "label": "Seed Dine-In", "systemOrderTypeId": "DINE-IN-TYPE", "isHidden": true, "isDefault": true, "hoursAvailable": "ALL", }

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Alan avatar image Alan commented ·

Thanks @Sam

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Brett Dismang avatar image Brett Dismang commented ·

Has there been any resolution to this?

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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered

This feature is available now. Custom order types that have isHidden set to false will not be displayed in the Clover Register app.

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