
richa avatar image
richa asked richa commented

can we get accesstoken using clover API instead of dashboard?


I need to get accesstoken for any merchant id using API.Is it possible to get it using api?

OAuthaccess token
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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered richa commented

Obtaining tokens from the dashboard (merchant tokens) is not permitted for apps in our app market. You should be obtaining an OAuth token -

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richa avatar image richa commented ·

But in that parameters are required -{appId}&client_secret={APP_SECRET}&code={AUTHORIZATION_CODE}

Can we get client_secret,code and client id also by api ?

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ richa commented ·

You MUST go through the OAuth flow. You can't obtain an access token on a merchant's behalf without them authorizing you to do so. The merchant MUST authorize your application by installing it (step 1). Once they do they will be redirected to your app and the client_id (your application id) and the code will be provided in the URL. The client secret is something you will need to securely store on your end as it is obviously sensitive.

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richa avatar image richa David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Hi David,

I need access token just by passing merchant id as I am working on apis for web and not application. So is there some other way by which I can get access token using curl api?

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