
usunyu avatar image
usunyu asked usunyu commented

Semi-Integration Application Question

My company is currently integrated with Square’s POS system, but my customer base is not satisfy with Square’s recent fee increase. I am hoping to integrate with Clover POS so I can convert my existing customer to use Clover.

I submitted Semi-Integration Application two weeks ago. I didn't receive any status update for my application, I am hoping to integrate Clover POS asap, please help? Thank you!

semi-integrationsapp approvals
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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered usunyu commented

I pinged the developer relations team about this. If you don't hear something in the next few days let me know.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Someone just responded to you, please make sure you check your spam if you don't see anything in your inbox.

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usunyu avatar image usunyu David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Hello, I replied each emails I received, but didn't get response after that, I am not sure whats happening here, can you help? Thanks a lot!

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usunyu avatar image
usunyu answered

I got reply but they are in the spam, I will follow up from there, thank you very much!

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