
ramya avatar image
ramya asked David Marginian commented

Not able to listen events from OrderV3Connector.OnOrderUpdateListener2

Whenever lineItem added,deleted and updated in Register app, we want to trigger an event
Seen this post tried code in clover mini sandbox but unable to receive events
We are using below code

Created OrderV3Connector.OnOrderUpdateListener2 as Service
public class LineItemService extends Service implements OrderV3Connector.OnOrderUpdateListener2 {
public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) { return null; }
public void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); }
public void onOrderUpdated(String orderId, boolean selfChange) { }
public void onOrderCreated(String orderId) { }
public void onOrderDeleted(String orderId) { }
public void onOrderDiscountAdded(String orderId, String discountId) { }
public void onOrderDiscountsDeleted(String orderId, List<String> discountIds) { }
public void onLineItemsAdded(String orderId, List<String> lineItemIds) { }
public void onLineItemsUpdated(String orderId, List<String> lineItemIds) { }
public void onLineItemsDeleted(String orderId, List<String> lineItemIds) { }
public void onLineItemModificationsAdded(String orderId, List<String> lineItemIds, List<String> modificationIds) { }
public void onLineItemDiscountsAdded(String orderId, List<String> lineItemIds, List<String> discountIds) { }
public void onLineItemExchanged(String orderId, String oldLineItemId, String newLineItemId) { } @Override
public void onPaymentProcessed(String orderId, String paymentId) { }
public void onRefundProcessed(String orderId, String refundId) { }
public void onCreditProcessed(String orderId, String creditId) { }
public void onDestroy() { super.onDestroy(); }}

Started service
Intent intent= new Intent(getApplicationContext(), LineItemService.class);

<service android:name=".activities.LineItemService"/>

clover android sdk gradle
implementation 'com.clover.sdk:clover-android-sdk:221.9'

Please suggest
OrdersClover Android SDKSandboxLineItemsBroadcasts
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raman22500 avatar image
raman22500 answered David Marginian commented

Have you found any solution?

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Raman22500 this is the 3rd related post you have commented on or created. This is not necessary, please stop.

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