
mitche avatar image
mitche asked David Marginian edited

Error: 'Warning: No Clover application found for 'remote_pay'

Whenever I pair the device or attempt a transaction I get an error that says 'Warning: No Clover application found for 'remote_pay'. Eventually the error times out and I am able to proceed with the transaction but it's really annoying to deal with and is significantly slowing down our testing process. This seems to be happening only for Canada dev sandbox. Our US dev kits work just fine. We have been able to reproduce this issue consistently on 2 dev Flex 2 devices. We have tried several factory resets and re-pairing but the issue persists. We are connecting to the device via the Clover DLL's through Secure Network Pay Display. Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this or is this a known issue?

semi-integrationsSandboxsecure network pay display
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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered vsdsaaasd Suspended commented

What you are seeing is a gentle "reminder" that you need to create an app and generate a RAID (Remote Application Id). You then need to pass the generated RAID instead of what you are currently passing ("remote_pay") when you connect to the device. This "reminder" is currently only active in Canada. Please see

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mitche avatar image mitche commented ·

Thanks for the response David. One thing we are still confused about is we aren't building our own app for the clover app store. We are just connecting through the SNPD app. Do we just generate the RAID and pass it with our device calls as outlined in the doc or is it more involved than that?

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ mitche commented ·

It is as simple as passing the generated RAID. This id is important for us so that we can identify what application is responsible for initiating the payment. At some point in the future passing a valid RAID will be strictly enforced.

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