
paras avatar image
paras asked paras edited

Android certificate generation

I am using this code and I came across folder “resources->certs”

There are 2 crt files in there :

  • device_ca_certificate.crt
  • env_device_ca_certificate.crt

I would like to know is it required to use same certificates, or do I need to generate from my developer account? If I need to generate, how do I generate them?

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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered paras edited

These certificates are used by the SDK (internally) when connecting to the device via a secure network connection (Secure Network Pay Display.

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paras avatar image paras commented ·

So do we need to generate new certificate for each application or we need to use same available in sample?

Please share any official link if there is any documentation @David

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ paras commented ·

You shouldn't need to do anything, as I said the SDK will use the included certificates when connecting to the device.

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paras avatar image paras David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

okay.. Thanks

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