
ramya avatar image
ramya asked qpaymentz answered

Is there any possibility to add Tip for Paid Orders like Orders app?

Like Orders app, is there any clover sdk or api available for adding Tip to Paid orders?

Please see attached images.

Clover Android SDK
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Frank Faustino avatar image
Frank Faustino Deactivated answered ramya commented

Hi @Ramya,

Sounds like you're trying to make an Auth transaction, where the purchase amount can be tip adjusted even after the transaction is authorized. Any of our SDK's will be able to create an Auth transaction.

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ramya avatar image ramya commented ·

No, We are using Secure Payment. We want to add tip for paid order. Is it possible to add tip for paid orders?

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ ramya commented ·

What does that mean? You are using the Android SDK to launch Secure Payments?

It sounds like you want to launch Secure payments, make a payment and then at a later time add a tip for the payment. Is that correct? This is called a tip adjustment and I am not sure that we expose that in the Android SDK.

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ramya avatar image ramya David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Yes, we need to add a tip after payment processed.

Is there any API available for this?

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qpaymentz avatar image
qpaymentz answered

Merchants requesting to add this feature because it is really essential. Customers are paying tips or adding more items after placing their 1st order so merchants are finding it hard to make new orders every time and keep track of it.

If you introduce adding options to the paid order will be grateful or else please tell me how to handle this issue

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