
mhernaez avatar image
mhernaez asked David Marginian Deactivated answered

Payments has stopped


We have a client who is experiencing an error when trying to make a payment. We have the same app installed in dozens of other locations. This is the only site experiencing this issue. As soon as the following code is executed, the app crashes and the following message appears on the screen: 'Payments has stopped'.

Our app uses the following code:

var json = {
"disablePrinting": true,
"disableReceiptSelection": true,
"disableDuplicateChecking": false,
"signatureEntryLocation": "ON_SCREEN",
"disableRestartTransactionOnFail": false,
"cardEntryMethods": 15,
"autoAcceptPaymentConfirmations": false,
"autoAcceptSignature": false,
"signatureThreshold": 99999.99,
"type": "PAYMENT",
"tipMode": "NO_TIP",
"amount": 128,
"tipAmount": 19,
"externalId": "190_20200206_173541750"

paymentV3Connector.getService().sale(new SaleRequest(json));

Our app is using the following sdk versions:
- com.clover.sdk:clover-android-sdk:210.1
- com.clover.sdk:clover-android-connector-sdk:210.1

We have tested on dev units and production units with the same versions as the client's but we are unable to reproduce the error. I'm unsure if the payment connector calls the 'Payments' app or the 'Secure Payments' app so I've included the versions for both:

- 'Payments' app:
- our dev unit: 1.0-354
- our production unit: 1.0-354
- client's unit: 1.0-354

- 'Secure Payments' app:
- our dev unit: 1.0-313
- our production unit: 1.0-318
- client's unit: 1.0-313

We require immediate assistance as this is severely impacting our client's operation. Can your team help us figure out why the 'Payments (or Secure Payments)' app is crashing? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

You will need to provide the device serial in a private post - If this has happened today, and the merchant hasn't rebooted the device since you can contact them and have them send us the device logs. This can be done via the help app on the device -> menu -> diagnostics -> send device logs button.

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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered

This issue has been resolved with the developer.

10 |2000

Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

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