
Saffan Prasla avatar image
Saffan Prasla asked Saffan Prasla commented

Clover Mini 2nd Generation not Opening USB Pay Display App

I recently got a replacement Clover Mini which came out to be a Generation 2 Mini and even though USB Pay Display is installed on there it wont open on the Mini to even show the not connected page on the Mini

I click the application and nothing happens. I have tried things from uninstalling/installing and hard rebooting the device. I even got a replacement sent and that one had the same problem. Am I missing something here? Is anyone having the same problem as me?

I have two Minis currently for separate registers, one is a Gen 1 and that one works just fine

Clover MiniUSB Pay Display
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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered Saffan Prasla commented

It appears you may have USB tethering enabled. Go to Settings->Network & Internet & USB Tethering and disable it. Then try to launch USB Pay Display.

Additionally, what version of the SDK are you using? I believe you need to be using 1.4.3 in order to work with the Mini 2 - Can you try updating if you are using an older version?

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Saffan Prasla avatar image Saffan Prasla commented ·

I can try out this new version, but the weird thing is even if the USB cable is disconnected it doesn’t show the device is not connected page, which makes it sound like the app on the Mini itself is not working.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ Saffan Prasla commented ·

Please read the first part of my post - It appears you may have USB tethering enabled. Go to Settings->Network & Internet & USB Tethering and disable it. Then try to launch USB Pay Display. The app is not working because of that.

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Saffan Prasla avatar image Saffan Prasla David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

That worked! I disabled the switch and it solved the problem!

One quick note. With an older Driver my device wouldn't connect which kept the USB tethering radio button disabled but still wouldn't open the USB Pay Display. I then connected both my Minis with the USB and the radio button immediately enabled and was set to on. I turned it off and disconnected my Mini and rebooted and after that was able to connect.

The last part I am stuck on is getting the new drivers and SDK to recognize my POS. Currently the device is showing merchant mode on my PC instead of customer Mode. How can I fix this?

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mikebrooking avatar image mikebrooking Saffan Prasla commented ·

USB Pay Display will immediately exit if USB tethering is enabled, as it reconfigures the USB device as a network device, and cannot be used as a standard usb device.

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian edited

Is this a devkit or production device? What region are you in (us, eu)?

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Saffan Prasla avatar image Saffan Prasla commented ·

This is a production device in the US

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ Saffan Prasla commented ·

If you can record a video of the problem that may be helpful. More importantly if you can reproduce the problem and then send the device logs over to us. I don't have my device right now but I believe you can do this in the help app. Once you do it send me a private post with your serial number and I will take a look.

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Saffan Prasla avatar image Saffan Prasla David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

The USB Pay Display Button basically acts like a button that hasnt been programmed so not matter how much you click it, nothing seems to happen. Will send you a link to the video of me trying to press it in a private post. Also I found the send logs its under Help -> Diagnostics.

Will message you with the serial number and video

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