
hbdev avatar image
hbdev asked bhupender answered

How to add extra features or customize Register App ?


Is it possible to modify or customize Register App ?

I want to integrate few extra feature apart from the Register App features(sales , inverntory etc)

New features will required to get data regarding customers and other data regarding sale & inventory.Those data I'll required to store in on database (on seperate server).

So for the above things is clover provides access to get data from register app if its not allow to modify?

Extra feature is like adding loayalty and promotion program.


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Frank Faustino avatar image
Frank Faustino Deactivated answered

Hi hbdev,

It's not possible to modify or customize the Register app. However, you can develop a loyalty/promotion app for Clover's App Market and access merchant data (sale, inventory, customer, and more) using our SDK's or API's (depending on if you're developing an Android app or a web app).

To learn more about developing apps for the App Market, check out our documentation:

Hope that helps! If you have any additional questions, don't hesitate to ask them here.

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bhupender avatar image
bhupender answered


Is it possible to modify or customize Register App ?

I want to integrate one extra button in the Register App features( Add Customers).

New features will required to get data regarding customers. Those data I'll required to store in on database (on separate server).

Extra feature is like adding loyalty and promotion program.


10 |2000

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