
mohitkanada avatar image
mohitkanada asked David Marginian edited

Can we complete payment using pre authorised transaction which was captured earlier ?

I have captured pre authorised transaction with amount using customer app via SECURE PAY. Now we need to complete payment using that already pre captured amoutn. Is there any way over clover android SDK / Clover APIs

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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered David Marginian edited

It sounds like you performed a preauth and now you need to capture the preauth to complete the payment. I believe you are looking for TRANSACTION_TYPE_CAPTURE_PREAUTH (

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mohitkanada avatar image mohitkanada commented ·

Is "TRANSACTION_TYPE_CAPTURE_PREAUTH" this need to use with SECURE PAY Intent as extra ?
Can you please provide some more details on this ?

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ mohitkanada commented ·

I am sorry I am not super familiar with the Android SDK. I do recommend using Payment Connector for taking payments because it has a clear API and is easier/clearer than firing intents. If you don't want to change things to use Payment Connector someone else may be able to provide you with more detail on the correct intent to fire and how to construct it.

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mohitkanada avatar image mohitkanada David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Can you please connect me with proper person that may be able to answers this ?

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