
srinivasannam avatar image
srinivasannam asked leobufibarrameda commented

SSLHandShakeException while adding account in US Production


I'm trying to setup a Clover Flex 2nd Gen emulator and it works fine with SandBox environment.

But, I get `` when I try to do "Add Account" in US Production setup (screenshot attached)

Virtual device is similar to the one I used for Sandbox env & I already set clover_cloud_url & clover_target to the right values.

Any help getting this US Production setup is appreciated.



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Frank Faustino avatar image Frank Faustino ♦♦ commented ·

Hi @SrinivasAnnam, thank you for raising this issue. Can you please provide the following details so we can investigate further:

  • Clover Engine APK version number
  • App Updater APK version number
  • steps to reproduce the bug
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srinivasannam avatar image srinivasannam commented ·

@Frank Faustino, Thank you for the response.

Here is the information you asked for:

- Clover Engine APK: com.clover.appupdater-1154.apk

- App Updater APK: com.clover.engine-2048.apk

- Steps to reproduce:

> Setup "Clover Flex 2nd Gen" emulator using the steps mentioned in this page:

> Make sure you do "Updating device settings for production testing" step as well for "prod_us" env.

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1 Answer

Jeffrey Blattman avatar image
Jeffrey Blattman answered leobufibarrameda commented

This is a bug. It will be fixed in our next apps which will be around mid January.

In the mean time you can test against sandbox.

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leobufibarrameda avatar image leobufibarrameda commented ·

@Jeffrey Blattman, any update on this? I am still experiencing this issue on my emulator.

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