
demskigroup avatar image
demskigroup asked Jeffrey Blattman commented

Duplicate App On sandbox and Production

Originally only happened on the sandbox and seemed to be caused due to side loading. Sometimes we would have the same app show up more than once on the same device, this seemed to happen when the version code was increased and then side loaded onto the device when the same app was installed with a lower version code. Didn’t happen often but sporadically. One app that this happened to on sandbox we then uploaded the complete and latest version to production and when it was approved and updated on our test production device it showed up twice the old and new version. Any ideas how this is happening?
App MarketSandboxProduction
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Jeffrey Blattman avatar image Jeffrey Blattman ♦♦ commented ·

Does your app use the same package name on sandbox and prod? It's not possible for the same app to be installed 2x. It's *possible* that our launcher was confused and showed the start icon 2x, although I've never seen that and I look our our launcher and install apps a lot.

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demskigroup avatar image demskigroup commented ·

It does use the same package on sandbox and production. The app id is com.servicecharge.

I see it occasionally happen but not with production ever. Only on sandbox when sideloading as well, this is the first time on production.

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Jeffrey Blattman avatar image Jeffrey Blattman ♦♦ demskigroup commented ·

If you can provide steps to reproduce that's be great.

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demskigroup avatar image demskigroup Jeffrey Blattman ♦♦ commented ·

On production we simply installed the new version from the market with the old version still installed and came with two icons now. On sandbox it happened when I had the app already installed then increased the versioncode and side loaded an update.

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Jeffrey Blattman avatar image
Jeffrey Blattman answered Jeffrey Blattman commented

I looked at your version 143 APK. It has two launcher activities: SplashActivity and MainSaleActivity1. That's why you see two things in the Launcher. I assume you only want the splash activity to have the launcher intent filter.

Comparing to your 116 version I see only one launcher activity so it seems you made that change recently.

EDIT: Also, we noticed your app crashed with an error about ORDERS_R permission when updated from 116 to 143. If you added a new permission between releases you'll need merchants to uninstall and reinstall the app to get the new permission.

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demskigroup avatar image demskigroup commented ·

Thanks the launcher issue fixed the duplicate icon.

But the ORDERS_R permission has been there from the beginning so we are not sure why there would be a crash for that, but besides that if you installed a fresh install then you shouldn't have gotten a crash correct?

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Jeffrey Blattman avatar image Jeffrey Blattman ♦♦ demskigroup commented ·

I can only speak to what I saw when I tested. We saw that after upgrading 116 -> 143 we had the permission issue. We saw when we uninstalled and re-installed 143 the problem went away. This is expected behavior

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