
philw-mod avatar image
philw-mod asked David Marginian answered

Clover REST API and Clover Customer discrepancy

Hi and thanks in advance for your help. Note: I'm a product manager, not a developer.

When guests come to our private club, we check them in through our own home-grown system and use the Clover REST API to display the checked-in guests in the Clover Customers screen. From here we use the Clover POS to place orders, etc. We only display guests in the clover customers screen that have checked-in and at the end of each day, we delete all checked-in customers.

Last month, when we checked-in guests, our team had to refresh the clover POS 3-10 times before a customer would display when it used to be instantaneous. At the same time, we had an issue where past guests were still being displayed in the Customers screen, even though they were no longer showing in the API.

When I pull up the Clover Rest API browser (, the customers that are displayed don't match the customers that are being displayed in the Clover Customers screen on the POS and the website. The API is showing the right customers (currently 2), but the POS is showing that there are 9 customers, 7 of which shouldn't be there.

We just deleted the API token and regenerated it but that didn't help.

The time that it's taking for customers to display in Clover is detrimental to our business as we are unable to place orders for that customer until they are displayed.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!
REST APICustomers
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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered
This issue has been resolved privately with the creator.
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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered
Is this problem persistent or does it happen on off through-out the day? I took a look at the logs for one of your devices and I noticed 4+ disconnects today. The disconnected time was brief, but this can impact the sync. Take a look at Jeffrey's accepted answer here -
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philw-mod avatar image
philw-mod answered philw-mod commented
It seems to be intermittent throughout the day. I just checked myself in and my name was displayed in the customer's screen after refreshing 3 times.

I've been told that anyone that we check-in after midnight never shows up in the Customers screen no matter how much time has passed or how many times they refresh the screen.

So you're saying this is probably an issue with our network?

Thanks for your time and help!
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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

It could be. I see 4+ disconnects from the wifi/internet. The "after midnight" situation is interesting. You say your home-grown system deletes the customers at the end of each day, maybe it is deleting customers added after midnight.

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philw-mod avatar image philw-mod David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Our system actually doesn't delete them until around 6am the next day to account for that.

Do you have any idea why the Customers in the POS don't match the Customers that the API returns? The API is correct and the POS has people that shouldn't be in there.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ philw-mod commented ·

What does shouldn't be there mean? Does that mean that they signed in yesterday and should have been deleted?

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