
bassel avatar image
bassel asked Jeffrey Blattman answered

Can I utilize tips as an inventory item?


Can I add tips amount as an inventory item in my app ignoring clover tipping process altogether?

Would such an approach pose any implications or bad practice on my end?

The reason why I need to do so is that my app may do calculations on tips amount beforehand so it would be easier for my app to handle the tipping calculations and it would make better user experience.

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1 Answer

Jeffrey Blattman avatar image
Jeffrey Blattman answered
The merchant can turn off tipping in the Setup app. Your app cannot turn it off for the merchant.

Would such an approach pose any implications or bad practice on my end?
Reporting would be off because Clover won't recognize your inventory item as a tip. Receipts would be abnormal. You'd want to make sure it was not a taxable item. It would be subject to any discounts applied to the order, and service charges. It could be refunded.

The reason why I need to do so is that my app may do calculations on tips amount
Tip is supposed to be something the customer selects. Manipulating the value would be troubling.

So yes, sounds like not a great idea. I don't have any context to understand what you are trying to accomplish but you might be consider calling this extra charge something other than a "tip".
10 |2000

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