
andru avatar image
andru asked tejveerk commented

Connecting clover go for payment

I am developing an application which has a payment option. I already completed the app for clover flex device. Now I want to create same app for android mobile phones. In which I want to do payment through clover go device. The app for clover flex doesn't support payment from mobile phone. Whenever it comes to the payment page of the app, shows a Toast "No Clover Account Found" . I have installed clover engine and clover updater apks and added account to the mobile phone. Now , how could I connect Clover Go device with Android application for payment. Please help.
PaymentConnectorClover Go
10 |2000

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justina avatar image
justina Deactivated answered justina Deactivated edited
Hi @Andru,

In order to interface with a Clover Go device from an application that lives on an Android mobile phone, you must use the remote-pay-android-go SDK:

The repository readme will walk you through the initial steps of working with the SDK, but please let me know if you have any additional questions about getting started.

-- Justin
10 |2000

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andru avatar image
andru answered suvarna commented
@justin.a I connect clover go device with my android phone through bluetooth. When I try to do a test payment from clover go app, it shows "unable o read card data". What could be the possible issue?
Thanks for the reply.
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varunprabh avatar image varunprabh commented ·

Same issue here, have you got a response?

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suvarna avatar image suvarna commented ·

Even I am getting "Unable to read card data". Are you able to solve it?

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tejveerk avatar image
tejveerk answered
@justin.a Hi Justin I am trying to configure my clover go SDK but where can i find my clover go API key and go secret?
10 |2000

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered tejveerk commented
Please see the README. The "Getting Started" section is what you are looking for.
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10 |2000

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tejveerk avatar image tejveerk commented ·

hi @david.marginian I am trying to connect clover go card reader using SDK but getting my application crashed and getting error as failed to load card reader data. What may be the possible reason and how to resolve it?

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered tejveerk commented
See if these troubleshooting steps help.
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10 |2000

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tejveerk avatar image tejveerk commented ·

hi @david.marginian, @kedar.deo , @varsha.aI want clover goApiKey and goSecret for my clover go SDK integration with android tablet can u help me out getting the above information.

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered tejveerk commented
Ping they can get you the information you need.
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10 |2000

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tejveerk avatar image tejveerk commented ·

Hi @David Marginian can i make payment from clover go device for the order which was created on clover station and same way can i refund the order that was paid by clover station.

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