
Nimila Hiranya avatar image
Nimila Hiranya asked David Marginian answered

Clover Remote Pay over Cloud on Android

I'm trying to get an Android POS application to use our Clover Mini/Flex device as a Payment Terminal. This guide shows how to use Network Pay and USB Pay but, I couldn't find an Android implementation for the Cloud Pay. Is there a way to implement what's being done on on Android to place Orders on the Clover side using SDK or API, and invoke payments on the Clover Devices?
Cloud Pay DisplayRemote Pay CloudRemote Pay Android
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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered
The "cloud" transport is only supported by remote-pay-cloud which was designed to be used for web-based POS systems.

As mentioned above, remote-pay-android and Secure Network Pay Display seem to meet your requirements.
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Sukhbir Singh avatar image
Sukhbir Singh answered Sukhbir Singh edited
Hi @nHiRanZ

Network Pay Display and USB Pay Display both are the Clover default native application. You can download both from Clover application market. You can get more help via the following links:

Thank you.
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